Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Scanner Installation - Ubuntu


I have try lot for working with scanner on ubuntu. Here I am writing the documentation for easy implementation for ubuntu lovers.
I have set-up hp2400 scanjet. First you have to install build essential for compiling the sane-back end package. And Check libusb-dev installed.

For installing

#sudo apt-get install build-essential
#sudo apt-get install libusb-dev

Download the driver for hp2400, below url


Here I have downloaded the driver packages in user Desktop.

Unpack the hp2400 driver (libsane-hp2400.so) to /usr/lib/sane:

# cd /usr/lib/sane
# sudo tar -xvzf /home/user/Desktop/hp2400.tgz
Note: README_hp2400.txt file left in root directory

Unpack the modified SANE library (libsane.so) to /usr/lib:
# cd /usr/lib
# tar -xvzf /home/user/Desktop/libsane.tgz

libsane.so SANE Library Modification:

The hp2400 driver contains only HP authored code and depends on
the SANE library for some functions. Unfortunately, libsane.so
lacks the sanei_usb module. To add this module,
1) Obtain the SANE distribution from www.sane-project.org.
2) add "sanei_usb.lo" to the "EXTRA" line in backend/Makefile.in:

EXTRA = sane_strstatus.lo ../sanei/sanei_init_debug.lo ../sanei/sanei_config.lo ../sanei/sanei_usb.lo

3) follow the SANE README build and instructions. This sequence of
instructions appears to install in /etc/sane.d and /usr/lib:
cd sane-backends-1.0.??
configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
make install

hp2400 SANE DLL Configuration:
The hp2400 driver will be loaded by SANE by adding "hp2400" to
/etc/sane.d/dll.conf. SANE initializaion is much faster if unneeded
backend modules in dll.conf are commented out.

See Also: man sane-dll

USB Configuration / Troubleshooting:
After you have connected the scanner, run:

# sane-find-scanner

If successful, you should see a line similar to this:

found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x2905) at libusb:001:003

The scanner is mapped to a file in /proc/bus/usb. In the example
above, it maps to this file:

/proc/bus/usb/001/003 (your file will probably be different)

By default, only super-user has permission to access the scanner.
If you would like all users to access the scanner, give everyone
read/write permissions on the file:

# chmod 666 /proc/bus/usb/001/003

sane-find-scanner only verifies that the scanner is connected to
your system. To verify that the HP driver is loaded, run:

# scanimage -L

If successful, you should see a line similar to this:

device `hp2400:libusb:001:003' is a Hewlett-Packard hp2400 flatbed

If the HP driver is loaded, you should be ready to start scanning
using SANE applications like scanimage or xsane.

If the HP driver isn't loaded, run "man sane" and "man sane-usb"
to get more troubleshooting information. Note that the HP driver
uses libusb (Linux kernel 2.4.19 and later).

To determine the options specific to your scanner, run:

# scanimage -help

Options specific to hp2400:
-l 0..210.919mm [0]
Top-left x position of scan area.
-t 0..292.206mm [0]
Top-left y position of scan area.
-x 5..215.919mm [215.919]
Width of scan-area.
-y 5..297.206mm [297.206]
Height of scan-area.
--resolution 200|300|600|1200dpi [200]
Sets the resolution of the scanned image.
--mode Color|Gray|Lineart [Color]
Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).
--source Flatbed|Negative|Slide [Flatbed]
Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).
B6|B7|C5|C6|C7|JIS-B5|JIS-B6|JIS-B7 [Custom]
Sets scan area to selected paper size

Option notes:
Defaults are in enclosed in [].

The default scan area is the maximum width and height.

Images are raw (no automatic image enhancement).

Buttons are not supported.

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